Info Lowongan Kerja BUMN, Bank, Swasta & CPNS Terbaru

PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia


Lowongan Kerja PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia Januari 2025

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia adalah perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia, dan merupakan anak perusahaan dari Kraft Heinz Company, sebuah perusahaan multinasional asal Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini memproduksi berbagai produk seperti saus, kondimen, jus, dan sirup.

Didirikan pada 16 Oktober 1975 oleh Chandra Djojonegoro dengan nama CV Central Foods, perusahaan ini kemudian menjadi PT ABC Central Food Industry pada 1 Juni 1982. Pada tahun 1999, Heinz mengakuisisi perusahaan ini, dan namanya berubah menjadi PT Heinz ABC Indonesia.

PT Heinz ABC Indonesia memiliki tiga fasilitas pabrik yang berlokasi di Daan Mogot (Jakarta), Karawang (Jawa Barat), dan Pasuruan (Jawa Timur). Produk-produknya, seperti sambal dan kecap, tidak hanya dikonsumsi di seluruh Indonesia tetapi juga diekspor ke sekitar 60 negara.

Pada November 2022, perusahaan ini menambahkan investasi sebesar Rp1,2 triliun untuk mengembangkan dan memodernisasi pabriknya di Karawang, menjadikan total investasinya di Indonesia hampir Rp2 triliun. Langkah ini menegaskan komitmen jangka panjang PT Heinz ABC Indonesia dalam mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dan memperkuat posisinya sebagai pendorong pertumbuhan di Asia.

Saat ini PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja bulan Januari 2025 untuk mencari sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas agar dapat bergabung bersama mereka dengan mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :


  • Attention all future leaders! If you’re a final-year student or recent graduate, now is your chance to secure a spot at our table. The Kraft Heinz Traineeship Program 2025 is officially open for applications!


  • Step into a program designed to shape the manufacturing leaders of the future. Over the course of 12 months, you’ll develop leadership capabilities, enhance your business acumen, and thrive in a dynamic plant environment.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Hands-on onboarding experience and an intensive Commercial Bootcamp
    In-depth training on the Kraft Heinz Management System (KHMS)
    Support to earn a Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification
    Frequent opportunities to engage with and learn from company leadership
    Mentorship from previous GMT program participants
    Training sessions to sharpen both technical and interpersonal skills
    Manufacturing is at the core of what we do—this program puts you at the center of our operations, offering rapid career growth and global exposure.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university with a GPA of at least 3.30/4.00
  • Must graduate by August 2025 or have completed studies in 2024 or later (Preferred fields: Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Food Science, or Supply
  • Chain)
  • Open to rotating across functional areas within the plant
  • Maximum 2 years of work experience post-graduation
    Proficient in English, both spoken and written
  • Willingness to relocate if required
  • Strong leadership potential

We’re Looking for Talent Who:

  • Are passionate about consumers
  • Continuously strive for excellence
  • Empower and support others
  • Embrace diversity in all aspects
  • Act with integrity at all times
  • Take full ownership of their responsibilities

📅 Program Start Date: September 1, 2025


  • Our intensive 12-month program is designed to develop the next generation of leaders within our company. We are looking for exceptional individuals who thrive in a performance-driven environment built on meritocracy, ambition, curiosity, and passion.
  • Throughout this year-long journey, you will be part of a cohort of motivated trainees, learning directly from Kraft Heinz executives while gaining firsthand experience in various departments. You will get an insider’s view of how our iconic Heinz ketchup is made and work on real business challenges, acquiring leadership and cross-functional exposure. From day one, you will contribute as a full-time employee, delivering tangible results and making a meaningful impact on our company.
  • Your adventure begins with a functional onboarding, where you will gain practical insights into our core business functions. Following this, you will embark on a field sales assignment to better understand our products and consumers—because at Kraft Heinz, we put consumers at the heart of everything we do!
  • As part of the program, you will take on an individual business project that will test your problem-solving abilities, followed by a dynamic business rotation in an area different from your project focus. No need to worry if you’re not an expert in every field—comprehensive training and mentorship from senior leaders will support you at every step of this exciting experience. Upon successful completion of the 12-month program, you will be placed in a strategic function within our company where you can immediately contribute and grow.

Eligibility – Minimum Requirements:

  • A bachelor’s degree (or higher) from a recognized university, with a minimum GPA of 3.30 out of 4.00
  • Expected graduation by August 2025 or a graduate from 2024 onwards, from any field of study
  • Maximum of 2 years of work experience post-graduation
  • Strong command of English
  • Willingness to relocate if necessary
  • Demonstrated leadership potential

We are looking for individuals who:

  • Are passionate about consumers
  • Strive for continuous improvement
  • Foster and empower great people
  • Embrace diversity
  • Uphold integrity in all they do
  • Take ownership and accountability

Batas lamaran : 31 Maret 2025

Wilayah kerja atau lokasi tes : Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai arahan dari Perusahaan

Tata Cara Pendaftaran

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